― Overlapping and vanishing.As we gaze into the hazy moon, the trees and the water surfaces rise. Gathering light, and looking at the ambiguous borderline. Can we forget our experiences and memories, and recognize again, pure and genuinely the phenomena that appear before us? Can we be able to sense the delicate shape and color, the subtle texture, from within ourselves?
Reality and illusion. We do not see the same world. Light and darkness, reality and fantasy, true and imaginary, concrete and abstract, artificial and natural. Now, even the front and back sides of information are ambiguous.Since this world cannot be settled by dualism in the first place, we must enter into the mists where no traces can be seen, be delusional, and find the right answer ourselves. Catch the Sarcasm hiding in the Chic.
Reality and illusion. We do not see the same world. Light and darkness, reality and fantasy, true and imaginary, concrete and abstract, artificial and natural. Now, even the front and back sides of information are ambiguous.Since this world cannot be settled by dualism in the first place, we must enter into the mists where no traces can be seen, be delusional, and find the right answer ourselves. Catch the Sarcasm hiding in the Chic.
― 重なっては消えていく。朧月の中で目を凝らすと、樹々や水面が立ち上がってくる。光を集めて、曖昧な境界線を視る。経験や記憶を忘れて、純粋に目前に映る事象をもう一度視れるだろうか。繊細な形や色、質感の機微を、そこから、自分の中から感じ取れるだろうか。